Huge bohemian film, photographic & event location

A four floor Victorian pub built in 1863 with a wealth of beautiful original features. It is decorated with an eclectic mix of wall finishes and statement wallpapers and filled with vintage furniture, eccentric props & bold art work.


The Roost150100100
  • Legende
  • Stehend
  • Parlament
  • Reihen
  • U-Form
  • Block
  • Gala / Bankett
  • Kreis


The venue has a cosy homely feel with big fireplaces on the ground floor and large French doors opening onto the attractive planted garden. Large windows provide good natural light throughout the ground and upper floors and there is a large basement that can be used for evening entertainment. 

Filled with an eclectic mix of furniture, props, art work and wall finishes creative and impressionable as you wish.   The old bar,  commercial kitchen and mature garden are at the heart of the building leaving the rest for you. 

Unlike most large domestic film locations, no one resides full time at the Roost so the whole property becomes available without the normal restrictions on dress, painting, wallpapering, set building and event planning. 


  • Küche vor Ort


  • Internet Anschluss / WLAN
